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浙江LNG三期项目接收站工程计量橇 - 国际招标公告(1)

   日期:2024-06-05     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:0    

中化建国际 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2024-06-05在公告。


投标人应具备的资格或业绩:对投标人的资格和业绩要求:Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder: (1)资格要求 Requirements for Qualification of BidderA.如果投标人为境内注册公司,投标人需提供合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照;如果投标人为境外注册公司,需提供有效的公司登记注册证明。
A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license;The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.B.本次招标不接受代理商投标。
B. Bid by Agent is not accepted.C.是否接受联合体投标:否。
C. Joint Venture: Not Accepted.D.授权要求:a.如果投标人为超声波流量计制造商,投标人应取得成橇商全球范围内对本项目投标的合法唯一正式授权;授权内应明确投标人在已授权成橇商的工厂内集成计量橇系统。
D. Authorization requirements:a.If the bidder is a manufacturer of ultrasonic flowmeter, the bidder shall obtain the skidder's global legal sole official authorization for this bidding and shall integrate the metering system at the authorized skidder's plant in the authorization.b.If the bidder is a metering skidder, the bidder shall obtain the legal and sole official authorization globally for this bidding from the manufacturer of the ultrasonic flowmeter and shall integrate the authorized ultrasonic flowmeter into the metering system at its plant in the authorization.c.If a bidder is bidding with their own manufactured goods, they cannot authorize other suppliers to bid at the same time, otherwise all related bids will be rejected.d.The bidder will authorize the authorized goods to other bidders and bid this project, all related bids will be rejected.(2)资质要求及证明文件(2)Requirements for Qualification of bidder and certificate.① 投标人需同时提供满足以下(一)(二)两项要求的证明文件。
1.The bidder must provide the following valid qualification certificates:(I) The license shall meet either of the following two items:a. The license's permit item is manufacture of pressure piping components. The license's permit sub-item is Component combination device; b. The license's permit item is pressure vessel fabrication in manufacture license of special equipment, The license's permit sub-item is fixed pressure vessel of the other high-pressure vessel(A2), or large and high pressure vessel(A1). (II) Bidder shall provide Ultrasonic Flowmeter Manufacturer's License. Ultrasonic flowmeter manufacturer needs to have PATTERN APPROVAL CERTIFICATE OF THE MEASURING INSTRUMENTS OF THE PRC. The Origin of Instruments must be same with the flowmeter's origin.(3)业绩要求(3)Requirement for Bidder's reference投标人同时满足以下三项业绩情况:The bidder shall meet all of the following three conditions:业绩要求(一)投标人自2009年1月1日至投标截止之日(以到货验收证明材料时间为准),在中国境内具有一个合同的用于天然气计量的计量橇供货业绩,且同时满足以下要求:1)至少有一条计量回路磅级不小于1500LB;2)至少有一条计量管路尺寸不小于12寸。
Performance requirements (i)The bidder shall have at least one performance record of supplying natural gas trade metering system for metering trade in China from January 1, 2009 to the deadline of this Bid (subject to the time of arrival acceptance). The performance record shall meet both of the following requirements:1)The pressure is not less than 1500LB in the system;2)The size of metering pipe is not less than 12 inches in the system.3)The accuracy of the type registration form for the type test approval certificate of the measuring instrument for the flowmeter used in the contract is not higher than 1.0%.The bidder shall submit the performance list as the specified format, and submit the relevant performance proof documents. Performance proof documents include but are not limited to: 1) Scanned copy of sales contract (including relevant technical attachments) and 2) Arrival acceptance materials. The performance proof documents submitted must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time, project name,goods name, arrival acceptance materials signing time, main technical parameters (including medium,poundage, size),the type test approval certificate of the measuring instrument and arrival acceptance documents (to demonstrate that the subject goods has arrived and has been accepted),Ultrasonic flow meter instrument data sheet. Failure to submit performance documentation, or the provided performance documentation does not reflect the required content, shall be regarded as invalid performance.Performance time: the date of acceptance certificate file shall prevail. If there are multiple signature or seal times for the arrival acceptance certificate file, the latest signature or seal time shall prevail.业绩要求(二)投标人所投标的计量橇内的气体超声波流量计制造商自2009年1月1日至投标截止之日(以到货验收证明材料时间为准),在中国境内具有一个合同的用于天然气计量设备的超声波流量计的供货业绩,且同时满足以下要求:1)合同中至少有一台超声波流量计的计量回路磅级不小于1500LB;2)合同中至少有一台超声波流量计的计量管路尺寸不小于12寸。
Performance requirements (ii)There is at least one record by The Ultrasonic flowmeter supplier who supplied ultrasonic flowmeter for natural gas metering trade in China from January 1, 2009 to the deadline of this Bid (subject to the time of arrival acceptance) at least, the record shall meet both of the following requirements:1)The pressure is not less than 1500LB in the record;2)The size of metering pipe is not less than 12 inches in the record.3)The accuracy of the type registration form for the type test approval certificate of the measuring instrument for the flowmeter used in the contract is not higher than 1.0%.The bidder shall submit the performance list as the specified format, and submit the relevant performance proof documents. Performance proof documents include but are not limited to: 1) Scanned copy of sales contract (including relevant technical attachments) and 2) Arrival acceptance materials. The performance proof documents submitted must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time, project name, manufacturer's name of the Ultrasonic flowmeter supplier, goods name, arrival acceptance materials signing time, main technical parameters (including medium, poundage, size) ,the type test approval certificate of the measuring instrument and arrival acceptance materials (ability to demonstrate that the subject goods have arrived and passed acceptance),Ultrasonic flow meter instrument data sheet. Failure to submit performance documentation, or the performance documentation provided cannot reflect the required content, shall be regarded as invalid performance.Performance time: the date of acceptance certificate files shall prevail. If there are multiple signature or seal times for the arrival acceptance certificate files, the latest signature or seal time shall prevail.业绩要求(三)投标人所投标的计量橇内的强制密封球阀的制造商自2009年1月1日至投标截止之日(以到货验收证明材料时间为准),在中国境内具有一个合同的用于天然气计量设备的强制密封球阀供货业绩,且同时满足以下要求:1)合同中至少有一台强制密封球阀的磅级不小于1500LB;2)合同中至少有一台强制密封球阀的执行机构驱动形式为气动;3)合同中至少有一台强制密封球阀的尺寸不小于12寸。
Performance requirements (iii)There is at least one record by the supplier who supplied the forced sealing ball valves for natural gas trade in China from January 1, 2009 to the deadline of the tender (subject to the time of arrival acceptance) at least, the record shall meet all of the following requirements:1)The pressure of the forced sealing ball is not less than 1500LB in the record;2)The sealing power of the ball valve is pneumatic in the record;3)The size of metering pipe is not less than 12 inches in the record.4)The accuracy of the type registration form for the type test approval certificate of the measuring instrument for the flowmeter used in the contract is not higher than 1.0%.The bidder shall submit the performance list as the specified format, and submit the relevant performance proof documents. Performance proof documents include but are not limited to: 1) Scanned copy of sales contract (including relevant technical attachments) and 2) Arrival acceptance materials. The performance proof documents submitted must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time, project name, manufacturer's name, goods name, arrival acceptance materials signing time, main technical parameters (including medium,poundage, size) ,the type test approval certificate of the measuring instrument and arrival acceptance materials (ability to demonstrate that the subject goods have arrived and passed acceptance),Ultrasonic flow meter instrument data sheet. Failure to submit performance documentation, or the performance documentation provided cannot reflect the required content, shall be regarded as invalid performance.Performance recognition time: the date of qualified materials receipt shall prevail. If there are multiple signature or seal times for the arrival acceptance certificate materials, the latest signature or seal time shall prevail.(4)其他要求1.制造商应通过GB/T19001(ISO9001)质量体系认证证书、GB/T24001(ISO14001)环境管理体系认证证书、B/T28001(OHSAS18001)或GB/T45001 (ISO45001) 职业健康管理体系认证证书,投标人须同时提供制造商有效的GB/T19001(ISO9001)质量体系认证证书、GB/T24001(ISO14001)环境管理体系认证证书、B/T28001(OHSAS18001)或GB/T45001 (ISO45001) 职业健康管理体系认证证书。
Other requirements1.manufacturer should own GB/T19001 (ISO9001) quality system certification, GB/T24001 (ISO14001) environmental management system certification, B/T28001 (OHSAS18001) or GB/T45001 (ISO45001) occupational health management system certification.Bidders must also provide valid manufacturer’s GB/T19001 (ISO9001) quality system certification, GB/T24001 (ISO14001) environmental management system certification, B/T28001 (OHSAS18001) or GB/T45001 (ISO45001) occupational health management system certification and can be verified on the website of the China Certification and Accreditation Administration (http:// /). If there is the latest system standard issued by the relevant state departments, the latest system standard shall prevail.
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