服务项目 If the Bidder is domestic registered company, photocopies with Bidder’s official seal of valid business license(with independent legal person qualification), general taxpayer prove/tax registration certificate, organization code certificate shall be provided(all documents within the validity period);If the bidder is an overseas registered company, registered company,it shall provide valid company registration certificate 业绩要求:Services Experiences ★近10年,从2011年1月1日至投标截止日(以合同签订日期为准)投标人至少有一个带中水浮筒的聚酯缆永久系泊系统设计或校核或延寿的项目业绩。或者至少有一个聚酯缆永久系泊系统项目业绩和一个带浮筒的悬链线永久系泊系统设计或校核或延寿的项目业绩。(非科研及概念设计业绩) 证明文件:业绩服务合同/订单封面、签字页及工作范围描述页(技术参数可以隐藏),其它证明文件(如有) ★ In recent 10 years ,from Jan 1st,2011(contract signature day) to bidding closing date, the bidder should have at least 1 project design/ verification/ life extension experience of long term permanent polyester with mid-water buoy mooring system, or of long term permanent polyester mooring system and catenary mooring system with mid-water buoy individually. Research experience and Concept design experiences are not accepted.Evidence documents: copies of sales contract/PO (only front page, signed page, supply scope) and related mooring system figuration (the parameters can be hidden).Other support documents (if have) | |
是否允许联合体投标: | 否 |
招标文件领取时间: | 2022年06月24日到2022年06月29日 |
招标文件领取方法: | 请登录中国海洋石油集团 采办业务管理与交易系统( cbjyweb/to purchase the bidding documents (electronic edition) on line from Apr 27th, 2022 to May 6th, 2022 upon non-refundable payment of RMB 2,000 or USD300 for each copy. (Beneficiary: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank: INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA,Beijing National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone Jinjie Sub-branch; USD A/C No.: 0200000709117000351, SWIFT Code: ICBKCNBJBJM,Bank address:No. 237 Wang fu jing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, ChinaPR: 100006.). After completion of the remittance, the bidder could download the bidding documents. Those who didn’t purchase the bidding documents are not allowed to participate in the bids. 。 |
招标文件价格: | 2000.0元 |
投标文件递交截止时间: | 2022年07月15日 10时00分 |
未曾在中国电力招标采购网(www.dlztb.com)上注册会员的单位应先注册。登录成功后根据招标公告的相说明下载招标文件! 项目 联系人:李杨 咨询电话:010-51957458 传真:010-51957412 手机:13683233285 QQ:1211306049 微信:Li13683233285 邮箱:1211306049@qq.com 备注:欲购买招标文件的潜在投标人,注册网站并缴纳因特网技术服务费后,查看项目业主,招标公告,中标公示等,并下载资格预审范围,资质要求,招标清单,报名申请表等。为保证您能够顺利投标,具体要求及购买标书操作流程按公告详细内容为准,以招标业主的解答为准本。 来源:中国电力招标采购网 编辑:cnooc 打赏 更多>同类资讯