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   日期:2020-08-12     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:0    
核心提示:招标公告 Invitationfor Bids (IFB) 项目Project: Jiangsu LNGTerminal Project Standard ball valves (4” and 900LB and above


Invitationfor Bids (IFB)


Project: Jiangsu LNG Terminal Project Standard ball valves (4” and 900LB and above)


Bid No: 0704-2040JDCP0443/01

日    期:2020年8月12 

Date:Aug.12, 2020


1.中化建国际 (以下简称“招标机构”)受中海油江苏天然气 委托,邀请合格投标人就江苏LNG接收站项目下列全新货物和有关服务进行国际公开招标, 现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:

CNCCC International Tendering Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter called “Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC Jiangsu Gas Co., Ltd (hereinafter called "Purchaser" )invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of following equipment:


Name of Goods: Standard ball valves (4” and 900LB and above)


Qty:22stations,of these,1500CL manual ball valves 4"8sets, 8"1set, 14"2sets, 16"4sets, 24"2 sets,40"3 sets. ;1500CL of Pneumatic On/Off Valve (Ball Valve) 8"1set,40"1 set .




Goods provided inside the customs territory shall arrive at the site designated bythe owner of Jiangsu LNG terminal in Binhai port area, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province 300 days after signing the contract.



References and Qualification requirement:


Qualification requirement:



A. Bidder shall be manufacturer or authorized agent designated by manufacturer with the qualification of independent legal entity.

Independent legal personality requirement :Bidder fromwithin the PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid business license,Organization Code Certificate and tax registration certificate orinte grated business license combined above three certificates. Bidder from outsidethe PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid independent legal entitycertificate.,To prove that the bidder has independent legal personality.


B. 代理商要求:如果投标人所投的货物不是投标人自己制造的,投标人应得到货物制造商的同意以及其在本次投标中唯一提供该货物的正式授权书,且本次投标的产品必须是同一品牌。

B. If the goods is not manufactured by bidder, the bidder shall be duly authorized by the goods' Manufacturer tosupply the goods solely in this bidding, and the products in this bidding mustbe of the same brand.


C. 投标人应提供阀门制造商以下三类有效认证证书复印件,若三类认证证书包含产品的类型、口径、温度和压力等级其中的一种或几种参数,则其证书中的相应参数须覆盖本次招标的产品对应最高参数要求。所有证书认证的制造商名称应与其所提供业绩的制造商、此次投标货物的制造商一致。

C. The bidder shall provide copies of the three type certifications ofthe manufacturer when bidding, if the three type certifications include one or several parameter of valve type, size, temperature and pressure, the corresponding parameter shall cover the corresponding valve’s highest parameter inthe bidding documents. The name of manufacture on the certificateshall be the same with the manufacture of References and the manufacture ofthe bidding Goods:


Pressure equipment certification:The manufacturer should have at least one certificate through the Manufacturer license of Special Equipment People’s Republic of China issued by General Administration of Quality Supervision(Certificate level for cryogenic valves:A2(2)), or Certificate for Type Test of Specific Equipment or certificate for pressure equipment(PED), and the certification should be within the period of validity.


If the bidder privides certificate for pressure equipment(PED, it must promise to provide the type test certificate ofspecial equipment issued by the State Administration of quality supervision of the people's Republic of China before supply. The valve type, caliber and scalein the certificate shall cover the scope of this bidding,and the manufacturer certified in the certificate shall be consistent with the manufacturer of the bidding goods.

(2) 防火认证证书:制造商应具有API607或API6FA或ISO10497防火证书,认证机构应为Lloyd's、BV或DNV等;

Fire safe certification:Vendor should provide API 607 or API 6FA or ISO10497 fire test certification offered by Lloyd's, BV, DNV , etc.

(3) 低泄漏认证证书:阀门必须具备可靠的外密封性能,应至少达到TA-LUFT或ISO 15848-1的要求,并提供相关测试的TA-LUFT证书或ISO 15848 PART 1的认证。

Leakage certification:Valves shall have a reliable outside sealing performance and meet the requirements of TA-LUFT or ISO 15848-1. VENDOR shall provide TA-LUFT certification  orISO 15848 PART 1 certification of the relevant tests.


D. 仪表球阀安全完整性(Safety integrity):

制造商须提供阀门、执行机构如TUV或者Exida等权威机构出具不低于 SIL2等级认证证书,证书在有效期内,投标时提供有效证书复印件。

The manufacturer shall provide valves and actuators such as TUV or Exida with certifications notless than SIL2 and the certificate is within the validity period, Provide copies of valid certificates when bidding.

制造商须提供电磁阀如TUV或者Exida等权威机构出具不低于 SIL3等级认证证书,证书在有效期内,投标时提供有效证书复印件。

The manufacturer shall provide solenoid such as TUV or Exida with certifications not less than SIL3 and be within the validity period, Provide copies of valid certificates when bidding.


E. 防爆合格证(explosion-proof certificate issued):电磁阀、限位开关应具有由中国国家授权的监督检验机构颁发的防爆合格证,须在供货前提供防爆合格证书。电磁阀、限位开关的防爆等级不低于ExdⅡBT4,防护等级不低于IP66。

E. solenoid valves, and limit switches shall have explosion-proof certificates issued by China's authorized supervision andinspection agencies. And the vendor should supply explosion proof certificate before delivery. solenoid valve and limit switch shall not less than Exd Ⅱ BT4,protection class of solenoid valve and limit switch shall not less than IP66.


F. 电气设备产品认证(product certification of electrical equipment):防爆电气产品满足国家市场监督管理总局公告〔2019年第34号〕《市场监管总局关于防爆电气等产品由生产许可转为强制性产品认证管理实施要求的公告》的要求,须在供货时提供CCC认证证书,投标时须书面承诺在供货时提供CCC认证证书。

F. The explosion-proof electrical products meet the requirements of the announcement of the State Administration of market supervision [No. 34in 2019]  《notice ofthe State Administration for Market Regulation about explosion-proof electrical products change from production license to compulsory product certification》. And China Compulsory Certification shall be supplied when delivery. At the time of bidding .a written commitment must be made to provide the CCC certificate at the time of supply.


G. 从中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物:


G.For goods offered from within PRC customs territory:goods already imported prior to the deadline for submission of bids(notallowed);



Bidder shall submit 2017-2019 audited financial report issued by auditing agency, including balance sheets, cash flow statement, profit statement,and show the net assets and asset liability ratio in 2017-2019.


Average netassets of last three years (from 2017 to 2019):not less than RMB 10,000,000Yuan or equivalent;


Average asset-liability ratio of last three years (from 2017 to 2018): less than 0.85.


Performance requirements:

A. 制造商自2006年1月1日至投标截止之日,须具有至少1座中国境内LNG接收站(规模不小于200万吨/年)顶装球阀稳定投运业绩,且上述国内业绩合同中至少包含有2台尺寸≥30寸且磅级≥900LB的顶装球阀。

A.    manufacturers since January 1, 2006 solstice the deadline of the bid, contract signing time, must have at least one LNG receiving station in China (size is not less than 2 million tons/year) Top mounted ball valve usingperformance, and the above domestic performance contract includes at least 2 Top mounted ball valves with size ≥30 "and pound grade ≥900LB.

B. 投标人须提交有效的业绩表和相关证明文件(“1.合同复印件相关章节”和“2.用户使用证明或用户调试报告”。如前述1和2无法体现接收站名称和规模,须提供其它证明接收站名称和规模的公开发行文件)。业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、货物名称及类型(顶装球阀)、装置名称及规模(LNG接收站,不小于200万吨/年)、供货数量、阀门尺寸、磅级、阀门结构形式。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法验证前述业绩信息,均视为无效业绩。

 B.Bidders shall submit valid performanc estatements and relevant supporting documents (“1. Relevant chapters copies of contract”and“2. User's on-site commissioning report or user's certificate of use”. If  the above item 1 and 2can not prove the name and scale of  LNG receiving stations,the bidder shall provide other public document to prove thename and scale of LNG receiving stations).The relevant documentary evidence must embody at least the following contents: the signing time of the contract, the name of the goods, the type ofthe goods (Top mounted ball valve), the name and scale of the unit (LNG receiving stations no less than 2 million tons per year ), thequantity of goods supplied, the valve size,class valve,valve structure. Failure to submit are levant documentary evidence for their reference or failure to verify the above information will be regarded as invalid performance.

C.投标人所报的本次招标标准球阀的原产地和制造商应与所提供业绩中的标准球阀原产地以及制造商一致,且所投本次招标标准球阀应在其原产地工厂进行生产和检验,不得委托加工。投标人提交能体现原产地和制造商的业绩证明文件,包括1.合同复印件或2.报关单或3.原产地证明或4. BV、DNV、劳氏等国际知名第三方检验机构出具的报告,例如出厂检验报告、制造过程检验报告等。

C. The original place and manufacturer of  Standard ball valves of the bidder’s quotation shall be inaccordance with the original place and manufacturer of the Standard ball valves of the offered performance, and must be processed and inspected in the originalplace, OEM is forbidden.

To prove country of originand manufacturer, Bidder shall provide the reference evidence, including1.contract copies or 2. customs declaration or 3.place of origin certificate or4. certified by a third authority such as Lloyd's, BV or DNV or other internationally renowned authority, the certification include factory inspection report, manufacturing process inspection report, etc.



Manufacturer shall have theISO9001 quality management system certification and the certificate is valid.The agent shall have the ISO certificate of the product manufacturer.


The purchaser reserves the right to send third-party inspector from China to witness inspection of any important quality control point(such as valve main rough cast manufacture plant,valvemain parts manufacture plant, valve main parts assembly plant, valve testing plant and soon) according to the ITP.


2020年8月12日开始至2020年8月19日止,请登录中国海洋石油集团 采办业务管理与交易系统( ooc.com.cn)的招标公告页面进行购买。首次登录必须先进行注册(免费),注册成功后,方可购买招标文件。购买过程必须全程在线操作,线下形式的汇款将不予接受。标书费支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。招标文件每套售价为2000元人民币或300美元,售后不退。如未在系统中购买招标文件,不可参加投标。另外,投标人还需要在 ( ooc.com.cn) on the page of Invitation for bid for purchasing Bidding document from Aug.12,2020 to Aug.19, 2020.For the first time of login, a registration (free of charge) is needed and only after successful registration, Bidder can purchase Bidding documents online. The whole purchasing process must be operated online and offline payment will not be accepted.After successful payment of RMB 2000.00 or USD300.00 for each copy of Bidding documents which is non-refundable, Bidder may download the Bidding documents.Bidder fails to purchase Bidding documents online is not eligible to bid. In addition, the bidder need to succeed in the China international bidding nets(



Nameof Tendering Agent:Procurement& Tendering Center of Procurement Dept.of China National OffshoreOil Corporation and CNCCC International TenderingCo.,Ltd.


Address:4thFloor,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing,100027, P.R. China


邮 编:100027



Contact person: Wang Yan

Telephone: +86-10-84527979




项目 联系人:李杨  
微信:Li13683233285 邮箱:1211306049@qq.com


来源:中国电力招标采购网 编辑:cnooc
标签: 江苏滨海液化天然气(LNG)项目标准球阀(4"及以上且900磅级及以上)招标公告

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