推广 热搜: 电厂  输送机  发电  变压器    施工  电缆  煤炭  风机  物资 


   日期:2020-05-28     浏览:0    



2.1 项目名称:广东佛山热电冷联产项目(以下简称“佛山项目”)。  


2.2 Subject matter of bidding: generator circuit breaker and its auxiliary equipment




2.3 Source of Funds:Capital fund and project finance


2.4 Project Location : FoShan Project is located in GaoMing District, FoShan city, GuangDong Province P.R.C.



2.5 Tendering scope: 2 sets of generator circuit breaker and its auxiliary equipment.

Specifications: Rated Voltage≥21kV; Rated Current≥13000A@40℃; Arc extinguishing medium:SF6 ; Rated short-circuit breaking current =100kA.

招标范围:发电机出口断路器及其配套设备共 2 台套。规格型号:额定电压:

≥21kV、 额定电流:≥13000A@40℃、灭弧介质:SF6 、额定短路切断电流(系统源/发电机源) :100kA。

2.9 Location and time of dilivery :

location: GUANGZHOU PORT P.R.CHINA。All the Contract Goods tentatively scheduled for delivery in April 2021.


交货地:中国广州港,暂定 2021 年 4 月交货。



3.1 Status of a Legal Person: The bidder must be a company (enterprise) established in accordance with the laws of the country in which he belongs and formally registered. The bidder must provide a valid copy of the business license of the enterprise or a copy

of the registration certificate equivalent to the business license of the enterprise.


3.2 Commercial reputation: Bidders should have good bank credit and commercial reputation. In the past five years, the bidder has not breached any contract or terminated any contract for the reasons of the bidder, and there are no major pending litigation cases. Bidders shall provide bank credit certificates issued within half a year

and non-litigation certificates sealed by bidders.


3.3 Quality Assurance System: Bidders must provide copies of valid ISO9000 series


quality assurance system certificates issued by authoritative agencies.

质量保证体系:投标人必须提供权威机构颁发的有效的 ISO9000 系列质量保证体系认证证书复印件。

3.4 In the past 5 years the bidder should offer 4 sets of product design and manufacturing achievement        of        the        same        structure,        type        and        the    same technical specifications or above as required (A scanned copy of the corresponding contract needs to be provided for reference, at least including the contract home page, complete scope of supply page, signature page, if not provided or

if the materials provided are objectionable, it will be regarded as invalid performance) .

In the past 5 years, the bidder has more than 2 years of success operation experience with 2 sets of equipment of the same capacity and above. During the installation and commissioning operation, no major equipment quality problems or effective improvement measures have been found(A scanned copy of the corresponding contract needs to be provided for reference, at least including the contract home page, complete scope of supply page, signature page, if not provided or if the materials provided are objectionable, it will be regarded as invalid performance)..

供货业绩:近 5 年投标人具有销售、设计、制造 4 台套相同及以上容量机组的


运行业绩:近 5 年投标人具有 2 台套相同及以上容量机组的设备 2 年以上良好的运行经验,在安装调试运行中未发现重大的设备质量问题或已有有效的改进措施。(需提供相应合同扫描件首页和设备分项页以及签字页及用户使用证明, 如提供的扫描件不清楚导致有异议或供货范围页无法体现主设备全部数量的均视为无效业绩)

3.5 Production and Manufacturing Capacity


1) Design institutions and personnel with experience in generator circuit breaker design. It has the equipment laboratory facilities and manufacturing technology

specified in this technical specification, the required workshop, sufficient manufacturing, processing, testing equipment and production capacity, and can complete the awarded contract in full according to the specified schedule



2) Non-destructive testing equipment using X-ray, ultrasonic, magnetic powder,


dyeing and other methods;

采用 X 射线、超声波、磁粉、染色等方法进行无损探伤的检验设备;

3) Facilities for workshop testing of various components/assemblies; 对各种部件/组装件进行车间试验的设施;

3.6 Bidder:


Agents are not allowed to bid in this tender. Subsidiaries, subsidiaries and holding companies with independent legal personality of the manufacturer are allowed to bid on behalf of the manufacturer, but a manufacturer's authorization for this project must be issued.

Two or more legal entities with the same legal representative and the parent company, wholly-owned subsidiary company and its holding company shall not bid for the project at the same time. Tenderee do not accept joint bids formed by two or more legal persons or other organizations .



3.7 Subcontracting and manufacturing


Bidders are allowed to subcontract non-principal goods. Subcontracting is not allowed for major equipment or major parts of the supply contract. If subcontracting exists, the bidder shall submit a copy of the agreement between the bidder and the subcontractor. The name, address and contents of each Subcontractor shall be specified in the tender documents.

The qualifications of subcontractors must meet the relevant requirements of tender documents, and subcontractors are not allowed to subcontract again. 允许投标人对非主体货物进行分包,主要设备或供货合同的主要部分不允许分包。如果存在分包,投标人应递交投标人与分包商之间的协议书副本。每一个分包商的名称、地址和分包的内容应在投标文件中加以说明;


4、bidding methods and announcements 招标方式和公告

潜在投标单位在下载电子招标文件时需企业 CA 证书电子钥匙


获取招标文件的时间:凡有意参加投标者,请于 2020 年 5 月 27 日至 2020年 6 月 3 日 17 时(北京时间,下同),登录下载电子招标文件

联系人:王 清
手机:18810099894  18010029459
微信号:清秋 18810099894

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