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   日期:2020-05-07     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:0    
核心提示:第五章投标邀请 项目招标编号:0734-2040JDCP0233/01日 期:2020年5 月7日 1.中国海洋石油集团 采办部采购 暨中化建国际 (以


第五章   投标邀请



日    期:2020年 5 月7 日


   1.中国海洋石油集团 采办部采购 暨中化建国际 (以下简称“招标机构”)受中海油福建漳州天然气 委托,邀请合格投标人就漳州LNG接收站项目下列全新货物和有关服务进行国际公开招标, 现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:












2014年1月1日至2018年12月31日,制造商在石化行业(含LNG接收站)每种类型(插入式和外夹式)超声波流量计具有2个或以上已投产项目的供货业绩,每种类型的超声波流量计累计供货数量不少于12台,并提供业绩证明。投标人须提交有效的业绩表和相关证明文件(第1.合同复印件相关章节或第2. 用户使用证明或用户调试报告)。业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、货物名称及类型、装置名称及规模、供货数量。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法验证前述信息,均视为无效业绩。




从 2020年5月7日开始至2020年5月13日止,请登录中国海洋石油集团 采办业务管理与交易系统( ooc.com.cn)的招标公告页面进行购买。首次登录必须先进行注册(免费),注册成功后,方可购买招标文件。购买过程必须全程在线操作,线下形式的汇款将不予接受。标书费支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。招标文件每套售价为2000元人民币或300美元,售后不退。如未在系统中购买招标文件,不可参加投标。另外,投标人还需要在 (



邮    编:100027

Section 5 Invitation for Bids(IFB)


Project: Zhangzhou LNG Terminal Project BERTHING AID SYSTEM

Bid No: 0734-2040JDCP0233/01

Date:7th May 2020


1.         Procurement& TenderingCenterof CNOOC Procurement Dept. and CNCCC International Tendering Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter called “Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC FujianZhangzhou Gas Co., Ltd (hereinafter called "Purchaser") invitessealedbids from eligible bidders for the supply of following equipment:

Name of Goods:Flowmeter

Qty: Datasheet of ultrasonic Flowmeter:12 sets and Datasheet of Vortex Flowmeter 7sets

Delivery Schedule:

For goods offered from outside PRC customsterritory: the goods shall arrive at Xiamen Port, Fujian, P.R.China within 245days from the date of the signing of the contract.

For goods offered from within PRC customsterritory: the goods shall be delivered arrive at Zhangzhou LNG TerminalProject Site (Address: Xinggu Bay, Longjiao Country, Longhai City,Zhangzhou City, FujianProvince,China)  within 270 days from the date of the signing of thecontract.


2.         Qualification requirement:


   1)     Bidder shallbe manufacturer or authorized agent designated by manufacturer with thequalification of independent legal entity.

The bidder must be an independent legal personmanufacturer or the authorized agent of berthing auxiliary system.

Bidder fromwithin the PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid business license,Organization Code Certificate and tax registration certificate. Bidder fromoutside the PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid independent legal entitycertificate.

If the flowmeters is not manufactured by bidder, the bidder shall obtain the legal official authority ofthe manufacturer that the bidder could provide the flowmeters for the bid in China.

2) Biddershall submit 2016-2018 audited financial report issued by auditing agency,including balancesheets, cashflow statement, profit statement.

3) Technicaland production capability: For flowmeters with SiL2 level requirements in the biddingdocument, SiL2 and above certificate shall be provided in the bidding document,and the certificate shall be within the validity period.

4) Performancerequirements:

From January 1, 2014 toDecember 31, 2018, the manufacturer has the supply performance of 2 or moreprojects that have been put into operation for each type (plug-in and externalclamp) ultrasonic flowmeter in the petrochemical industry (including LNGterminal). The cumulative supply quantity of each type of ultrasonic flowmetershall not be less than 12, and the performance certificate shall be provided.

The bidder shall submitvalid performance form and relevant supporting documents (1. Relevant chaptersof the contract copy or 2. User use certificate or user commissioning report).The performance certification documents must at least reflect the followingcontents: signing time of the contract, name and type of goods, name and scaleof devices, and supply quantity. Failure to submit performance supportingdocuments or failure to verify the above information in the performancesupporting documents provided shall be deemed as invalid performance.

5) Quality requirements:the manufacturer shall have the quality management system certificate ISO9001,and the certificate is within the validity period.

3.        Maintechnical requirement: Seebidding documents for details


4.       The interested Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: Pleaselogin at CNOOC Procurement Operation System on thepage of Invitation for bid for purchasing Bidding document from May 7th, 2020to May 13th 2020. For the first time of login,a registration (free of charge) is needed and only after successfulregistration, Bidder can purchase Bidding documents online. The wholepurchasing process must be operated online and offline payment will not beaccepted. After successful payment of RMB 2000.00 or USD 300.00 for each copyof Bidding documents which is non-refundable, Bidder may download the Biddingdocuments. Bidder fails to purchase Bidding documents online is not eligible tobid. In addition, the bidder need to succeed in the China international biddingnets (


Name of Tendering Agent:Procurement& Tendering Center of Procurement Dept.of China NationalOffshore Oil Corporation and CNCCC International Tendering Co.,Ltd.

Address:4thFloor,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing,100027, P.R. China

Contact person: Li Tete

Telephone: +86-10-84527961


项目 联系人:李杨  
微信:Li13683233285 邮箱:1211306049@qq.com


来源:中国电力招标采购网 编辑:cnooc
标签: 漳州液化天然气(LNG)项目流量计采购招标公告

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