第五章 投标邀请
Section5.Invitation for Bids
Project Name: Sludge Disposal and Waste Heat Utilization Projectof Huizhou Petrochemicals
货物名称: 污泥薄层干化设备
Name of Goods: Sludge thin layer drying machine
日 期:2019年12月13日
Date : December 13, 2019
招标编号(Bid No.):0704-1940JDCP0656
1. 中化建国际 (以下称为“招标代理机构”)受中海油节能环保服务(惠州) (以下称为“招标人”)委托,就惠州石化三泥处置及余热利用项目所需部分货物及相关服务进行国际公开招标。现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred toas“theTendering Agent”), entrusted by CNOOC Conservation& Environmental Protection Service (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. (hereinafterreferred to as “Tenderee” ),intends to purchase the Goods and the relevant services required under SludgeDisposal and Waste Heat Utilization Project of Huizhou Petrochemicals byInternational Competitive Bidding. The Bidders are kindly requested to providethe following Goods and services with sealed bids.
Name of Goods: Sludge thin layer drying machine
Quantity: One set
干泥温度:≤ 50°C
1)Thin-film drying treatment system
Treatment capacity of thin-film dryer: 1,750 kg/h (solids contentof 15%)
Number of thin-film dryers: 1
Designed inlet moisture content of sludge: 85%
Designed outlet moisture content of sludge: 35%
Water evaporation: 1346 kg/h
Operation time: 24 h/d
Annual operation time of the system: 8,000 h/a
2)Dry sludge cooling, delivery and storage system
Dry sludge production: 404 kg/h
Dry sludge temperature: ≤ 50°C
Number of dry sludge bins: 1
Volume of dry sludge bin: 10 m3
Installation conditions: All devices shall be installed indoors,except for dry sludge bins.
3)Area category: Explosion-proof Zone 2, Gas Group IIB,Temperature Class T4
4)Operating conditions: continuous operation; operation hours:8,000 h/a.
Requirements for material of Thin-film drying:
Thethin-film dryer jacket belongs to a pressure vessel, and the manufacturingprocess and materials of the equipment shall conform to the standards such asEU PED 97/23/EC or German AD-2000 or American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) or American Society for testing and materials (ASTM) or other EUnational standards.
交货期Delivery Schedule:
Bidder registered withinPRC customs territory: 28 weeks after signing the contract
境外: 合同签订后24周
Bidder registered outsideof PRC customs territory: 24 weeks after signing the contract
交货地点Destination of delivery:
Bidder registered withinPRC customs territory: Huizhou Daya Bay Petrochemical District
Bidder registered outsideof PRC customs territory: Major Basic Ports
2. 对投标人的资格和业绩要求:
Requirements forQualification and reference of Bidder:
Requirements forQualification of Bidder
The bidder shall be the manufacturer of thin-film dryer to be bid oragent of such manufacturer, and if the agent bids, the manufacturer'sauthorization shall be provided.
Requirement for Bidder'sreference:
From January 1,2009 to October 15, 2019, in the petrochemical industry of China,themanufacture of thin-film dryer shall have the sales performance of at least twosets of sludge thin-film dryers with a single treatment capacity of not lessthan 1750kg / h (solid content 15%), and among above sales performance, at least one set of sludge thin layer dryer has been operating for one year(operation certificate: the bidder shall provide the confirmation letter signedby the user for one year operation).
The bidder shallsubmit performance form and relevant performance certificates in the specifiedformat. Performance supporting documents include but are not limited to: copiesof sales contract (including relevant technical attachments) and othersupporting materials. The performance certification documents submitted by thebidder must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time,device name, equipment name, number and handling capacity, confirmation lettersigned by the user for one year of operation (certification: operation recordof at least one operation for one year). Failure to submit performancesupporting documents or failure to verify the above information in theperformance supporting documents provided shall be deemed as invalidperformance.
3. 有兴趣的投标人可通过以下方式获取招标文件:从2019年12月13日开始至2019年12月20日止,请登录中国海洋石油总公司采办业务管理与交易系统( ooc.com.cn)的招标公告页面进行购买。首次登录必须先进行注册(免费),注册成功后,方可购买招标文件。购买过程必须全程在线操作,线下形式的汇款将不予接受。标书费支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。招标文件每套售价为2000元人民币或350美元,售后不退。如未在系统中购买招标文件,不可参加投标。
The interested Bidders may obtain the bidding document byfollowing method: Please login at CNOOC Procurement Operation System on the page of Invitation for bid for purchasingBidding document from December 13, 2019 to December 20, 2019. For thefirst time of login, a registration (free of charge) is needed and only aftersuccessful registration, Bidder can purchase Bidding documents online. Thewhole purchasing process must be operated online and offline payment will notbe accepted. After successful payment of RMB 2000.00 or USD 350.00 for eachcopy of Bidding documents which is non-refundable, Bidder may download theBidding documents. Bidder fails to purchase Bidding documents online is noteligible to bid.
4. 投标文件递交截止时间和
未曾在中国电力招标采购网(www.dlztb.com)上注册会员的单位应先注册。登录成功后根据招标公告的相说明下载招标文件!项目 联系人:李杨
微信:Li13683233285 邮箱:1211306049@qq.com
来源:中国电力招标采购网 编辑:cnooc